Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Business Look in Second Life

The business look is not that easy to achieve in SL. Most women's clothing tends to be, well lets just say not very business like. Or to put milder, I was not trained for that profession. lol Most campuses do not want a lot os skin exposed, especially the public schools on the teen grid.

I was insearch of a business look for Dembe and needed to find one quick. My first presentation on SL in a school district is March 16th and I entitled it Future Look in Education. I spent the last week searching through fashion in SL, which I must say is very big. Sorry for the lack of posting, I was preoccupied with learning fashion. In RL, my favorite brand is Clearance. So, I had a lot of catching up to do in SL. I decided to dedicate my next few postings on the Business/Educator look in Second Life with out spending a fortune.

In addition, I will be posting a new Educator Survival Pack. Places to go get items needed for the SL virtual classroom. And clothing for the business/professional avatar. Each posting will be dedicated to a specific must have item. This will make it easy to reference and go back to.

Finally, I will be doing a series of crash courses on my blog on how to post power points and stream video into SL. This is as a result of specific requests for some of my readers emails. I must say I am happy to help and appreciate the input.

I look forward to this adventure with you and giving you the professional look you always deserved in SL. :-)


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About Me

Cyber, World, United States
Dembe is an international educator that is a member of ISTE and EDUPODCASTING. SHe has created this blog for research and development as well as to document and make SL easier for other educators. Below, please check out the Educator's Survival Pack. It is designed to help new educators entering SL and Teen SL to Teach.

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